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Upaya Tutor dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Warga Belajar Paket C di Pkbm Bunga Tanjung Desa Tanjung Rambutan Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

机译:教职员工为提高居民的学习动机而努力的努力Pkbm Bunga Tanjung Desa Tanjung Rambutan District Kampar Kampar Regency



This study aims to determine tutor efforts in improving the learning motivation of citizens to learn the package C in PKBM Bunga Tanjung Desa Tanjung Rambutan Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar. This research is a qualitative descriptive naturalistic approach.. This research was conducted in PKBM Bunga Tanjung Desa Tanjung Rambutan Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar. The source of the data in this study amounted to 4 people consisting of tutors, managers and citizens learn. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that tutors efforts in improving the learning motivation of citizens to learn the package C in PKBM Bunga Tanjung Desa Tanjung Rambutan Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar quite well, from the indikator (1) The effort of moving the motivation, The efforts made in the move tutor learning motivation of citizens learning package C belongs to the already good enough. Due to the efforts made by the maximum already tutor moves the interest and attention of citizens learning and creating an effective classroom so that citizens learn to feel comfortable following the learning process (2) Efforts Of Hope, Efforts are being made tutor in hopes of giving classified either because tutors formulate learning objectives as specific as possible so that the learners can achieve the expected results. Tutors also provide information which can improve learning motivation of citizens to learn Package C. (3) Efforts incentives, Efforts are being made tutor in the provision of incentives are good enough, because the tutors make efforts so that the learners have progress in learning, as for the efforts made in the provision of incentives which provide feedback on tests, reward and encouragement orally or in writing, commenting on the the results of the work and cooperation among the learners.
机译:本研究旨在确定导师在提高公民学习PKBM Bunga Tanjung Desa Tanjung Rambutan Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar中的C软件包的学习动机方面的努力。此研究是定性的描述性自然主义方法。此研究是在PKBM Bunga Tanjung Desa Tanjung红毛丹Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar中进行的。这项研究的数据来源共有4个人,包括家庭教师,管理人员和公民学习。使用观察,访谈和文档的数据收集技术。结果表明,教师在提高公民学习PKBM Bunga Tanjung Desa Tanjung Rambutan Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar中的C包的学习动机方面的努力非常出色,来自于示威者(1)推动动机的努力,移动导师学习公民C的学习动机所属的动机已经足够好了。由于最大程度的努力,导师已经转移了公民学习和创建有效课堂的兴趣和注意力,使公民在学习过程中学会了自在(2)希望的努力,正在努力使导师努力,以期给予之所以归类,是因为教师制定了尽可能具体的学习目标,以使学习者可以实现预期的结果。辅导老师还提供可以改善公民学习套餐C的学习动机的信息。(3)努力奖励,正在提供辅导的努力已经足够,这是因为辅导老师通过努力使学习者在学习上有所进步,至于提供奖励的努力,这些奖励以口头或书面形式提供有关测试,奖励和鼓励的反馈,并评论学习者的工作和合作成果。



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